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Soal Narrative Text, Soal, Jawaban "The Legend of Situ Bagendit"

Soal Narrative Text, Soal, Jawaban "The Legend of Situ Bagendit"

The Legend of Situ Bagendit

Once upon a time, in the land of West Java, Indonesia, there was a vast and serene lake known as Situ Bagendit. The lake was named after a wealthy but stingy old widow named Nyai Bagendit. She amassed her wealth through years of frugality and was known throughout the village for her refusal to help the poor.

One day, a beggar came to her door, asking for a little rice to quell his hunger. Nyai Bagendit scoffed at the request and turned him away. The beggar, who was actually a celestial being in disguise, warned her of a great flood that would engulf her home if she did not change her ways. She laughed off the warning and continued her miserly ways.

As foretold, a great rain fell upon the village, and the waters began to rise. The villagers fled to higher ground, but Nyai Bagendit refused to leave her treasures. As she clung to her possessions, the waters swallowed her up, and she drowned. The lake formed over her home is now known as Situ Bagendit, serving as a reminder to all about the perils of greed.

Essay Questions and Answers

  1. What moral lesson does the legend of Situ Bagendit convey? The legend conveys the moral lesson that greed can lead to one’s downfall and that generosity and compassion towards others are virtues that should be practiced.
  2. How does the character of Nyai Bagendit contribute to the story’s message? Nyai Bagendit’s character embodies the negative traits of greed and lack of compassion, which ultimately lead to her demise, reinforcing the story’s message.
  3. What is the significance of the beggar’s true identity in the legend? The beggar’s true identity as a celestial being signifies that the divine or fate may test individuals, and one’s true character is revealed through their actions towards others, especially those in need.
  4. How does the setting of West Java contribute to the legend? The setting of West Java, with its rich cultural heritage and natural landscapes, adds authenticity to the legend and allows it to be a reflection of the local community’s values and beliefs.
  5. What can modern society learn from the legend of Situ Bagendit? Modern society can learn the importance of community, sharing wealth, and being kind to the less fortunate, as well as the consequences of ignoring these values.
  6. How does the transformation of Nyai Bagendit’s home into a lake serve the narrative? The transformation serves as a physical manifestation of Nyai Bagendit’s choices and acts as a cautionary symbol for the villagers and future generations.
  7. In what ways does the legend of Situ Bagendit reflect Indonesian culture? The legend reflects Indonesian culture through its emphasis on communal values, respect for nature, and belief in supernatural consequences for one’s actions.
  8. What role does nature play in the legend? Nature acts as both a setting and a character in the legend, providing a backdrop for the story and delivering justice through the flood.
  9. How might the legend of Situ Bagendit be different if Nyai Bagendit had heeded the beggar’s warning? If Nyai Bagendit had heeded the warning, the legend might have been a tale of redemption and transformation, showing the positive outcomes of changing one’s ways.
  10. Why do you think the legend of Situ Bagendit has endured over time? The legend has endured due to its timeless message, relatable characters, and its ability to instill important societal values in its listeners.

True/False Questions and Answers

  1. Situ Bagendit was named after a generous old widow. (False) It was named after a stingy old widow.
  2. Nyai Bagendit was known for her frugality. (True) 
  3. The beggar was a regular villager in need. (False) The beggar was a celestial being in disguise.
  4. Nyai Bagendit was warned about a drought. (False) She was warned about a great flood.
  5. The villagers ignored the beggar’s warning. (False) They heeded the warning and fled to higher ground.
  6. Nyai Bagendit’s greed led to her salvation. (False) Her greed led to her demise.
  7. The legend promotes the value of sharing wealth. (True)
  8. The setting of the legend is in East Java. (False) The setting is in West Java.
  9. The legend serves as a reminder of the perils of generosity. (False) It serves as a reminder of the perils of greed. 
  10. Situ Bagendit is a real lake in Indonesia. (True)

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